Nice photo of the picture house and waymarker, presumably in Shipston on Stour from the distances to Stratford and Long Comptom. (Clicking on the photo to reveal the filename confirms this.) Any idea of the date of the photo? When did the picture house open and close? Incidentally the OS 1st Geodetic levelling abstracts c. 1850 place Shipston in Worcestershire and the milemarker ‘Shipston 7’ north of the town in Gloucestershire so the old A34 passed through more counties than one might expect.
Not only for that reason but also because Shipston was administratively part of Worcestershire until 31 March 1931. The old A34 crossed county boundaries (between Warks/Worcs/Glos) no fewer than five times between Long Compton and Stratford until that date!
Nice photo of the picture house and waymarker, presumably in Shipston on Stour from the distances to Stratford and Long Comptom. (Clicking on the photo to reveal the filename confirms this.) Any idea of the date of the photo? When did the picture house open and close? Incidentally the OS 1st Geodetic levelling abstracts c. 1850 place Shipston in Worcestershire and the milemarker ‘Shipston 7’ north of the town in Gloucestershire so the old A34 passed through more counties than one might expect.
would shipston have been put as Worcestershire because at that time it was in the diocese of Worcester.
Not only for that reason but also because Shipston was administratively part of Worcestershire until 31 March 1931. The old A34 crossed county boundaries (between Warks/Worcs/Glos) no fewer than five times between Long Compton and Stratford until that date!
i see Spencers, the outfitters, are still well and flourishing in Shipston even after my own first visit 62 years ago!
We hope you’ll come along to our events in Shipston in Summer !!